Yıllara Göre Tarih – 1817

Yıllara Göre Tarih – 1817

Eylül 4, 2023 12:29
Yıllara Göre Tarih – 1817




Kadmiyum, lityum ve selenyum elementleri keşfedildi
10 Aralık – Mississipi 20. eyalet olarak ABD birliğine girdi
İtalya’nın Palermo kentinde büyük bir deprem oldu.
Erie Kanalı’nın inşasına başlandı.
24 Temmuz – Sırbistan, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na özerkleşti.


Ocak 6 – J. J. McCarthy, İrlandalı mimar(d. 1882)
Ocak 8 – Theophilus Shepstone, İngiltere doğumlu Güney Afrikalı devlet adamı (d. 1893)
Şubat 19 – III. William Hollanda kralı (d. 1890)
Şubat 22 – Carl Wilhelm Borchardt, Alman matematikçi (d. 1880)
Mart 6 – Clémentine of Orléans, daughter of King Louis-Philippe of France and mother of Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria (d. 1907)
Mart 22 – Braxton Bragg, ABD’li general (d. 1876)
Nisan 15 – Benjamin Jowett, (d. 1893)
Mayıs 15 – Debendranath Tagore, Hint filozof (d. 1905)
Mayıs 19 – Theodor August Heintzman, Kanadalı piyano üreticisi (d. 1899)
Haziran 30 – Joseph Dalton Hooker, İngiliz bitkibilimci (d. 1911)
July 12 – Henry David Thoreau, American philosopher (d. 1862)
July 24 – Adolphe Lüksemburg dükü (d. 1905)
July 29 – Ivan Aivazovsky, Ermeni-Rus ressam (d. 1900)
August 3 – Archduke Albert, Austrian general (d. 1895)
August 14 – Alexander H. Bailey, American politician (d. 1874)
August 24 – Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, Rus yazar (d. 1875)
October 10 – Christophorus Buys Ballot, Dutch chemist and meteorologist (d. 1890)
October 17 – Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (Bahadaur) Founder of the Two Nation Theory for a future Pakistan (d. 1898)
November 3 – Leonard Jerome, American entrepreneur and grandfather of Sir Winston Churchill (d. 1891)
November 12 – Mirza Hüseyin Ali, Bahai Dini’nin kurucusu (d. 1892)
November 17 – Benjamin Champney, ABD’li ressam (d. 1907)
November 30 – Theodor Mommsen, Alman yazar, 1902 yılı Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü sahibi (d. 1903)


January 12 – Juan Andres, Spanish Jesuit (b. 1740)
January 16 – Alexander J. Dallas, American statesman and financier (b. 1759)
March 8 – Anna Maria Lenngren, Swedish writer (b.1754)
April 4 – André Masséna, French marshal (b. 1758)
April 12 – Charles Messier, French astronomer (b. 1730)
June 24 – Thomas McKean, American lawyer and signer of the Declaration of Independence (b. 1734)
July 14 – Anne Louise Germaine de Staël, Fransız yazar (b. 1766)
July 18 – Jane Austen, İngiliz romancı (b. 1775)
July 19 – John Palmer, Bath architect (b. c. 1738)
July 24 – Karađorđe Petrović, Serb leader of the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire, and the founder of the Serbian House of Karađorđević (b. 1768)
22 Ağustos – Nakşidil Sultan, Osmanlı padişahı II. Mahmut’un annesi, Valide Sultan ve I. Abdülhamit’in eşi (d. 1768)
October 13 – Julius Caesar Ibbetson, sanatkar (b. 1759)
October 16 – Manuel Piar, Venuzuelalı lider (b. 1774)
November 6 – Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales (b. 1796)
November 11 – Francisco Javier Mina, Spanish military leader (b. 1789) (executed)
November 14 – Policarpa Salavarrieta, Colombian spy and revolutionary who worked for the Independence of Colombia (b. 1795)
November 30 – Jean-Baptiste-Melchior Hertel de Rouville, Canadian politician (b. 1748)
12 December – Emperor Tekle Giyorgis I of Ethiopia, (b. c. 1751)
date unknown – Usman dan Fodio, founder of Sokoto caliphate, (b. 1754)

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