Area: 5.520 km²
Population: 357.191 (1990)
Traffic Code: 05
Districts: Amasya (center), Göynücek, Gümüşhacıköy, Hamamözü, Merzifon, Suluova, Taşova.
Located in the region of Middle Black Sea, Amasya is founded on the slopes of Mt. Harşena in Yeşilırmak Valley. With its over 7000 year historical background it became a capital of a kingdom, trained scientists, artists, poets, and became a training city for sultan’s sons. First steps of the Independence War of Turkey also took place in Amasya. Along with these historical and cultural riches , Amasya especially takes attention with Yalıboyu houses constructed along the shore of Yeşilırmak . If you want to see a fascinating antic city where history and nature mingles and where you can see the best marble apples, cherries, peaches and okras of the world, Amasya is waiting for you with its cosy and hospitable people.
How to Get
Amasya is connected to its neighbour provinces Samsun, Çorum and Tokat with a governmental roadway. At the same time it is on the Europe – Iran international (E-5) High way. Nearest arrival points for sea way and air way are at the Samsun province which is 130 kilometre far away from Amasya.
Road way: is 1,5 kilometres away from city centre, arrival obtained by small buses for city arrival and by coach firms private services.
Coach station Tel : (+90-358) 218 80 12
Railway: Amasya is placed on the Sivas – Samsun railway, city is 261 kilometre and little more away from Sivas and 134 kilometre away from Samsun. There are two coach stations (Amasya – Hacıbayram) and six train stations istasyon (Kızılca, Kayabaşı, Eryatağı, Bovazköy, Suluova, Hacıbayram) present in the borders of province.
Train station Tel : (+90-358) 218 12 39
Where to Visit
Hazeranlar Mansion Hazeranlar mansion is the most beautiful mansion at Yalı boyu (across the waterside residence) houses series. Mansion is one of the most elegant civil architecture samples of Ottoman period. Mansion built by Defterdar Hasan Talat Efendi for the name of his sister Hazeran Hanım at the year of 1872.
other gate is connected to Hatuniye mosque courtyard. Double shuttered males greeting hall gate opens to an area with low ceiling. There are four rooms at each corners and liwan of centre hall take place between the rooms. There are unadorned stairs with banister connects the east liwans to the entrance floor. Living rooms and bedrooms, court, coffee room, room with oven, parents and males greeting hall rooms and also toilet take place at the storey around the center hall.
Amasya Castle it is placed on precious rocks named Harşane mountain at the west of Yeşilırmak river and city centre. There are 4 main gates in castle, which are named Belkıs, Saray (palace), Maydonos and Meydan (Public Square), there is an water well named Cilanbolu in castle too, moreover water hole and dungeon present in castle. A laddered under ground way from the castle that reach to 70 meter below river towards the kings tombs dated to IIIth BC. There are tower and mosque ruins present too.
King Rock Tombs There are 5 unit tombs placed at slope of Amasya Castle that all are engraved on the lime stone rocks which rocks extended like a straight wall. With the construction and location properties they take attention at the first sight. Their surroundings engraved till they completely separated from the main rock, than they reunite to the main rock with stairs. There are some ones large and some ones small totally 18 rock tomb units present. The famous geographer Strabon (BC 63 – AC. 5) whom born at Amasya, delivers an information that Rock tombs was belonged to Pontus Kings.
Aynalı Cave (Rock Tomb) is approximately three kilometres away from city centre, and on the way of Ziyaret district which way separated to the right from surrounding high way towards Samsun. It is the best – decorated and completed tomb among other King Rock Tombs. At the vault section there are 6 pictures on each right and left walls, which figure out 12 disciple. And there are some figures that include men and women on the west and east walls, although there is a composition figure contains the Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Disciple on east wall.
Ferhat Water Canal canal was built at the Hellenistic Period to fulfil city’s water necessity, it has approximately 75 width and 18 kilometers long. It was built with processes of digging canals based on the balance system, carving some tunnels and bounding brick walls at some places.
Bimarhane (place of cure) It is a unique building that remains from İlhanlı Period to nowadays. Is was built for the name of the Sultan Mehmet Olcaytu, Ruler of İlhanlı State and his wife Ilduz Hatun at the year of 1308. Especially front side of the building is valuable by perspective of artistic values. On the shackle stone of gate there is an human relief that kneel down, it is a peculiar property only seen at Amasya Bimarhane building.
Sultan IIth Bayezid Külliye: Külliye is built for the name of Sultan IIth Bayezid at the years of 1485-86; it contains mosque, theology school, charitable establishment, tomb and fountain. It the last developed sample of sideways residential (planned like big L) mosque architecture which was popular at the last quarter of XVth century. At the Külliye beside of mosque there are theology school, charitable establishment and guesthouse are present. It is estimated that old plane trees, which form a line with each of two minarets, are as old as külliye.
Haliliye Theology School buling is at the Gümüş district centre in Gümüşhacıköy county, it was built by Halil Pasha, whom was the Governor General of Çelebi Sultan Mehmed, at the year of 1413. Is a square typed theology school with covered courtyard.
Kapı Ağa Theology School It is built by Hüseyin Ağa , who is Gate’s Ağa (Director) of Sultan IIth Bayezid, at the year of 1488. Octagon type schema, that was common at frontal Asia tombs and Selcuklu monument tombs, is firstly applied to this theology school by the means of function.
mosque are worthy enough to visit. Other important mosques of Amasya are Gümüşlü Mosque, Bayezid Pasha Mosque, Yörgüç Pasha Mosque, Sofular Abdullah Pasha Mosque, Şirvanlı (Azerbaijani) Mosque, Abide Hatun Mosque ve Halifet Gazi Vault.
Gök Medrese Mosque (Center): Gökmedrese mosque, deemed to be constructed in Amasya (1267) by one of the governors of the Seljuk Empire, Torumtay, is a structure with three cupolas, covered with dome and vaults, reaching to the depths with a certain shape. Its hewn stone architecture, have a serious, sedate style with its ratios and simple adornments. Long entrance division of the mosque is used as theology school.
Burmalı Minare Mosque (Center): It was constructed by Vizier Ferruh and his brother Haznedar Yusuf during Seljuk Sultan, Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev II in 1237 and 1247. Classical octagonal shaped Seljuk vault adjacent to the left side wall of the entrance and wringling minaret added afterwards are the certain characteristics of the mosque.
Sultan Bayezıt II Kulliye (Center): Kulliye constructed in the name of Sultan Bayezit II in 1485 – 86; is composed of mosque, theology school, charitable establishment, monument and şadırvan (water tank with a fountain).
It is the advanced final sample of the mosque with side place (L planned) architecture, constructed during the last quarter of the XVth century. There are two minarets of the mosque. There are theology school at west and charitable establishment and guest – house at east. Old plane tress at the level of both minarets, are estimated to be as old as kulliye.
Ezine Inn It is at the left side of the road in the Ezinepazar district, and placed at the point of 35th kilometre on Amasya – Tokat highway. Inn is built by Mahperi Hatun, who is the wife of Selcuklu Sultan, Alaaddin Keykubad.
Taş han (stone Inn) is placed at Merzifon county, Inn built by rectangular plan that is resembling to 17th century architectural style.
Bedesten (bazaar of craftsmen) Bedesten is at the Merzifon county built by rectangular plan shops with domes surrounds center courtyard.
Eski Hamam (old public bath) Eski Hamam is at the Merzifon county, by the information written on inscription it was built at the year of 1678.
Yedi Kuğular Kuş Cenneti (Seven Swan Bird Sanctuary) (Yedikır Dam) is at the 7th kilometre of Amasya – Suluova highway. Region is charming picnic place with beautiful nature surrounds dam lake, walking course, fish breeding establishments, social facilities of DSİ and common amateur fishery at lake. Dam lake began to protection place for birds, there are more than 34 species of birds like; swan, wild goose, wild duck, angut, cormorant and heron, etc., lives at lake;.
Borabay Lake By turning left at the 44th kilometre of Amasya – Taşova highway, you will be get in Taşova – Samsun highway, again turning left at the 14th kilometre of Taşova – Samsun highway you can reach a wonder of nature Borabay Lake. Borabay Lake and surroundings declared as tourism centre. Inside the woodland there are 9 bungalow type houses that each one 3 bedded. Lake is resort place of either home or foreign tourists by the facilities; camping opportunity, large coffee – house, places for picnic, nature tracking and resting opportunities.
Baraklı Waterfall It is at the Taşova county, 30 kilometres away from Taşova county centre, and in the borders of Özbaraklı district.
Terziköy thermal spring is one of the most important springs of the province. Gözlek thermal spring, Hamamözü (Arkut Bey) thermal spring and Ilısu thermal spring are the other thermal springs of Amasya.
Terziköy Thermal Spring (Curative Tourism)
Terziköy Thermal Resort
Location: 30km south of Amasya, south of Samsun, in the Black Sea region.
Transport: Many buses to Amasya from all over the country, then private vehicle to Terzikoy. Nearest airport at Samsun.
Water temperature: 37°C
pH value: 6.6
Physical and chemical properties: Bicarbonate, calcium, small amount of carbon dioxide.
Recommended applications: Drinking and bathing
Helps to heal: Rheumatism, eating disorders and liver, intestinal, kidney and urinary tract conditions.
Accommodation: Motel – 90 beds.
Ornithology Areas
Yedikır Dam
City: Amasya
Provinces: Suluova
Surface Area: 593
Altitude: 517 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with angıt (max. 1099).
Main Characteristics: dam lake
The climate of the region shows a transitional quality between the Black Sea climate and continental climate . The summers are neither dry as continental climate nor rainy as Black Sea climate.Likewise, the winters are neither mild as Black Sea climate nor hard as continental climate.
was hosted to Hittite, Frig, Kimmer, Lydia, Persia, Rome, Byzantine, Danismend, Selcuklu, Ilhanli and Ottoman civilisations at history between Antic Age to present days. At the year of 1386 Amasya included to Ottoman Empire Reign, province was famous as “şehzadeler (sons of sultan) province” by the special concern of Ottoman Sultans and their sons. Turks take control of Amasya, by the conquest of Melik Ahmet Danişmend Gazi at the year of 1075. At the year of 1285 Ilhanli State take control, than at the year of 1381 Eretna Governmental take control, at last Şehzade (prince) Yıldırım Bayazıd conquest province to Ottoman Reign at the year of 1386.
Amasya take importance at the similar to its old important roles in the passing years of history. First step of Liberation War of Türkiye started in Samsun at 19 May 1919, National Struggle’s second step started with arrival of Mustafa Kemal to Amasya at 12 June 1919. At Amasya; plans for Liberation Struggle prepared, and decision given to assemble the congress of Erzurum and congress of Sivas. Sentences of “nations independence will be liberated by the again nations determination and stability” take place in Amasya circular, declared in Amasya at 22 May 1919.
Where to Eat
Amasya has a rich cooking tradition not only with its valuable historical and cultural roots but also with its rich vegetation due to the ecological structure of the province . Çatal çorba (Knife soup), cırıkda-cızlak (akıtma), helle çorbası (soup), ekmekaşı (papara (bread meal)), kesme ibik çorbası (soup), toyga çorbası (soup), cilbir, bakla dolması (staffed broad bean), hengel (kind of meat pasty), pancar (beet with preserve of dried meat), kabak kabuklu pilav (rice with marrow scale), sirkeli ciğer, yuka tatlısı (yufka patlıcanlı pilav tatlısı), gömlek kadayıfı, halbur cookie, zerdali (wild apricot)gallesi, bread with balck cherry (Amasya çöreği), sini su pastry (Amasya type water pastry) and Yakasal pastry can be given as an example for meals special to locality.
Food and beverage facilities licenced by the Ministry of Tourism
Tourism Facilities Data Base Updating Project is still in progress.Upon the end of the current process some of the nonexistent parts related to Tourism facilities and regarding information will be given.
What to Buy
Hand made scarf, colored cotton kerchief, home made kuşburnu marmalade, rice and apple are some of the suggested materials.
Don’t Leave Without
– Visiting the Mummies section of Amasya Museum and Hittite God Statue (Teşup),
– Walking around Amasya Houses in Yeşilırmak ,Yalıboylu ,
– Visiting King Rock Tombs ,
– Visiting Bayezid Külliye II (complex), and Bimarhane,
– Seeing Borabay Lake,
– Eating Amasya’s Marble Apple,
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Amasya
Archeological Sites: 41
Urban Sites: 1
Natural Sites: 5
Historical Sites: –
Other Sites
Archeological and Natural Sites: 2
Archeological and Urban Sites: 1
Total: 50
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural Heritages: 462
TOTAL: 512
Contact Information
Governorship : (+90-358) 218 10 33
Municipality : (+90-358) 218 80 00
Hospital : (+90-358) 218 40 00
Police : (+90-358) 218 50 05
Gendarme : (+90-358) 218 12 49
Provincial Directorate of Tourism : (+90-358) 218 50 02 – 218 74 27
Tourism Information Office : (+90-358) 218 74 28
Provincial Directorate of Culture : (+90-358) 218 29 80
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (358) 218 29 80 Fax: (358) 218 72 59
State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate Hazeranler Konağı 05100 – AMASYA
Tel: (0 358) 218 18 69
Fax: 218 72 59 Museum Amasya Museum Address: Atatürk Cad. Amasya
Tel: (358) 218 69 57
Amasya Governorship
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