İngilizce Grammer – Phrasal Verbs

Verb English Definition Turkish Definition act up behave or function improperly yaramazlık yapmak, arıza çıkarmak add up calculate a sum, believable toplamak, akla yakın olmak ask out invite on a date rica etmek, davet etmek ask over invite to one's home eve davet etmek back down stop defending your opinion in a debate savunulan iddadan vazgeçmek back out not keep sözünden dönmek, caymak back up give support desteklemek bawl out criticize azarlamak bear on have to do with ile ilgisi olmak bear up withstand dayanabilmek bear with pe patient sabır göstermek blow in visit unexpectedly ansızın gelmek blow over pass without creating a problem sorunsuz atlatmak blow up explode patlamak break down stop working properly bozulmak break down become mentally ill ruhen yıkılmak break in interrupt araya girmek, lafa karışmak break off end something ilişiğini kesmek burn up consume by fire yanıp yok olmak buy up purchase the entire supply of something çok miktarda almak call for require (as in a recipe) yemek terifinde istenen call off cancel something iptal etmek call on visit ziyaret etmek calm down make someone relax birini ferahlatmak care for like someone or something birini veya birşeyi sevmek carry on with continue devam etmek catch up on become up-to-date yakalamak, yetişmek check for try to find aramaya çalışmak check into investigate araştırmak check into enter a hospital, hotel etc. biryere giriş yapmak check out leave a hotel, hospital biryerden ayrılmak check on make sure something is OK kontrol etmek, emin olmak cheer up make someone feel cheerful neşelendirmek clean up tidy temizlemek come along accompany someone beraber gelmek cut in interrupt kesmek cut out stop an action durdurma cut up cut into small pieces küçük parçalara bölmek die away diminish in intensity sönmek, azalmak die off/out become extinct birer birer ölmek disagree with cause to feel sick due to food or drink besinlerle arası iyi olmama do away with abolish durdurmak dress down reprimand severely azarlamak dress up wear elegant clothes resmi giyinmek drop in visit someone unexpectedly beklenmedik ziyaret drop over visit someone casually istendiği zaman ziyaret etmek
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